(888) 947-9777

Memphis, TN

Memphis, TN

Memphis cannot be described in one word. Instead, it takes all of your senses to dissect this magical mix. It’s the feeling you get when you’re in the realm of musical icons. It’s the heartbeat of a city where soul was forged and where rock ‘n’ roll changed the world. It’s a mix of old and new, culture and innovation. The emotions are endless and they are new each time you visit.

Package Includes

2 Breakfasts

2 Dinners

2 Nights Lodging

  • 2 Nights lodging
  • Memphis Rock-n-Roll Museum
  • Graceland
  • Sun Studio
  • Breakfast at Arcade Restaurant or Center forĀ  Southern Folklore
  • Slave Haven Underground Railroad Museum
  • National Civil Rights Museum
  • Withers Collection Museum & Gallery and Lunch
  • Shelby Farms
  • Memphis Zoo
  • Mud Island River Park