Embark on a captivating journey through American history with this enriching tour, featuring a guided exploration of the Gettysburg Battlefield, complete with the iconic Cyclorama. Enjoy visits to historic sites like George Washington’s Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. Marvel at the grandeur of the National Cathedral and delve into the heart of Colonial America with tours of Jamestown Settlement, Colonial Williamsburg, and the Governor’s Palace.
Package Includes:
• 6 night’s accommodations
• Gettysburg Battlefield Tour
• 12 Meals; Six Breakfasts, Five Dinners, One Lunch
• Cyclorama @Gettysburg Visitor Center
• Cruise with Dinner
• A Smithsonian Museum
• National Cathedral
• Tour DC Monuments with Guided Tour: Lincoln Memorial,
Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, WW II
Memorial and Vietnam Veterans Memorial
• George Washington’s Mount Vernon (3 HR). Mansion
Tour/Grounds and Garden/Museum and Education
Center/Tomb and Slave Memorial
• Jamestown Island-Jamestown Settlement
• Colonial Williamsburg Tour
• Williamsburg Visitor Center, Governor’s Palace, Capitol
Building, Courthouse & Trade Shops
• Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello